Knowledge base

Choosing between Hardware RAID and Software RAID can be a challenge for many who want to optimize their data storage and protect their…

What is RAID and why is it important for dedicated servers? RAID, which stands for "Redundant Array of Independent Disks", is a…

Colocation, also known as "colo", is a service where companies place their own servers and network equipment in a third-party data center. Instead…

A Virtual Local Area Network (VLAN) is a technique used to divide a physical network into multiple logical networks….

iDRAC, which stands for Integrated Dell Remote Access Controller, is a built-in hardware-based control feature found in Dell's PowerEdge servers. This feature allows…

A data center is a centralized facility where large amounts of data and IT equipment are stored, managed and processed. It comprises a robust building with…

What is the difference between dedicated server and VPS, and when should you choose the respective type of server? Dedicated server When you…

A basic guide how to access and log into your VPS via our platform. Everything is done in the browser and in…

Redundancy refers to the concept of having duplicate or multiple components that can take over each other's functions if one device fails. This improves…

DDoS (Distributed Denial of Service) is a type of cyber attack that aims to overload and overwhelm a website, server or network…

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