Load balancing for servers

Load balancing is a technique used to distribute the load evenly across multiple servers in a network. This makes it possible to handle high traffic flows and increase the availability of websites or applications. CDN is a type of load balancing for websites.

Through load balancing, overloading on individual servers can be avoided by distributing the workload on different devices. There are different methods of load balancing, including the round-robin method where calls are sent sequentially to each server in turn, or based on load sensing where traffic is redirected to the least busy server.

An important function in load balancing is the health check, which means that the system regularly checks the status of the connected servers. If a server becomes unresponsive or unavailable, the load balancer can automatically redirect traffic to working servers and minimize disruption to users.

The benefits of load balancing include better performance and scalability as multiple servers work together instead of higher availability. In addition, it also contributes to higher security by protecting against attacks such as DDoS (Distributed Denial of Service).

Server load balancing is an important technology in the network infrastructure that helps optimize performance, improve availability and security of websites and applications.

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