Five things to consider when buying a new website

Do you need any special functions?

These can be special functions such as customer login with BankID, connections to business systems and online shopping functions. Think twice if everything is really necessary. What is important to get across to your visitors?

Do you have a graphic profile?

A graphic profile is a set of rules for how your logo is used (if you have one), which colors and which fonts you use when marketing your company. The aim is to create a recognition factor for customers. If you don't have this, we'll help with that too!

What is the purpose of the website

What do you want from the website?
Consider which of the following fits:

  • Make it easy to contact you
  • Get more visitors to your physical address/store
  • Generate leads and direct sales of your products/services
  • Inform about your services or products

Who takes care of updates and that everything works

The website needs to give the impression of being up-to-date in order for customers to contact you. When you update your prices, hire more staff or have special opening hours around holidays, who stores that information on your website?

Do you have the knowledge and time to do everything yourself?

A website takes time to both build and maintain. If you do not have good knowledge of web development and internet marketing yourself, we strongly recommend using a web consultant or web agency to help. Get help from someone who can! It will save you time and energy.

Contact us to get one free quote for website.

Tip: Keep it simple. Don't make the website more complicated than necessary.

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