VPS - Virtual Server

Rent a Swedish VPS (virtual private server) in our scalable Northern server solution. We have space in a server hall located in Umeå with redundant power supply, redundant cooling system and redundant internet connection.

We use well-proven suppliers of both hardware and software for instance management, storage and networking.


85 NOK per month
  • 1 vCPU
  • 2 GB of RAM
  • 20 GB SSD


210 NOK per month
  • 2 vCPUs
  • 4 GB of RAM
  • 80 GB SSD


1240 NOK per month
  • 8 vCPUs
  • 32 GB of RAM
  • 400 GB SSD

VPS Own configuration

from SEK 80 per month
  • 1 - 12 vCPUs
  • 1 - 32 GB of RAM
  • 10 - 400 GB SSD

Own IP addresses

1 IPv4 address is included per server. Rent as many more IP addresses as you need.

How many IP addresses are available and in which subnets is dependent on current availability, as customers return and reserve addresses all the time.

100% Renewable electricity

Our servers are powered by electricity from Umeå Energi, which supplies 100% renewable electricity. In 2022, the energy consisted of 72% hydropower, 10% wind power, 16% biopower and 2% solar energy, read more at Umeå Energi's website.

SSD instead of hard drives

We know that our customers prioritize speed, so all data storage is done on enterprise model SSDs. Faster and more energy efficient!

DDoS protection

All our services include DDoS protection, where a possible attack must be stopped at the ISP level before it even reaches our equipment.


VPS is an acronym for English Virtual Private Server, and is just as it sounds a private server in a virtual server environment. A VPS behaves like a regular physical server but is more cost-effective because the hardware is used by and shared with multiple VPSs.

A VPS is also much easier to scale resources up or down compared to a dedicated server.

Everything from business systems, e-commerce, heavier or more advanced websites and other applications. The same thing that you would have on a dedicated server, you can run in a VPS, but in a more cost-effective way.

If you have a simpler website, you need a good web host instead, and if you don't have the knowledge to handle updates and operation of your VPS, you should look at other solutions or buy a managed service for your server.

Once you have started a VPS server, you can log into it via the OpenStack console and from there you can manage your VPS via the CLI. You can also put SSH keys in your VPS and make sure a port for SSH is open so you can connect to your server via SSH.

It of course depends on what you install on your VPS. But in general, you should have some understanding of how to set up a server and how to install and configure what you intend to run on your VPS. If it sounds complicated, you can always buy help from us, and we can help with both installation and operation of your VPS.

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