
For those of you who want to know a little more in-depth how our environment looks and works, we are happy to share with you.

We want to be transparent so that you as a customer can feel safe with your data with us.


Storage media: SSD

We exclusively use SSD for storage in active environments. This is because an SSD is both much faster but also much more power efficient than an old-fashioned spinning hard drive.

For the more experienced, it may be fun to know that we also run SSD disks with SAS and NVMe to get high performance on the storage solution.


Our storage solution is backed by a system called Ceph. Ceph is the most used in this type of server solution and is very powerful, scalable and reliable.

Very simply, you can say that Ceph functions as "RAID over the network". Which means that the data is still just as accessible if a hard drive, or an entire server were to go down or need service.


When you use our VPS service, you yourself are responsible for backing up the content on your server. We are only responsible for backups of our platform and the system itself.

If you want help with backups in your VPS, you can always buy Managed VPS as an additional service and we will help you.


Dual firewalls

To be able to update our firewalls without affecting any customer, we have duplicate sets in HA configuration.

It also means that if one firewall breaks or does not work as it should, the other takes over all traffic seamlessly.

High speed

Ports, switches and network cards are at speeds up to 40 Gbit/s to ensure fast and stable connection.

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