Terms and Conditions

"Supplier" refers to PALMBERG.io, Filip Palmberg AB (559084-3966) Västra Esplanaden 9A, 903 25 Umeå, Sweden.


An order is binding and an agreement is considered concluded when the supplier sends a welcome or confirmation email.

Customers who are considered to be consumers according to the Distance and Home Sales Act (2005:59) have the right to withdraw from agreements concluded at a distance by notifying the supplier in writing within 14 days. The right of withdrawal ends when the customer has started using the service.


Web hosting, hosting services and domain names are paid in advance for the selected time period. Delivery of the purchased service takes place when we have received payment for the service, some services may have 1-3 working days of manual hand-laying for delivery. But we strive to automatically deliver the service as quickly as possible as often as possible.

Payment terms 15 days unless otherwise stated or agreed.


All prices are stated in SEK excluding VAT unless otherwise stated.


Termination of service must take place in the customer portal (cloud.palmberg.io) or in writing via email to support@palmberg.io

Unless otherwise stated, there is no notice period for the service.

Fees already paid are not refunded upon termination.

Availability and delivery of web hosting and hosting services

Web hosting and hosting services are offered to the best of our ability. Interruptions can occur, among other things, during planned system maintenance, unexpected events and delivery problems with third-party suppliers (eg: electricity companies and internet providers).

Use of our services

Our services may not be used for activities related to (but not limited to): Sexual content, illegal content, cryptocurrencies, betting, spam, viruses/malicious code or misleading information.

The provider reserves the right to immediately, without warning, suspend customers who violate the terms or use a service in a way the provider deems inappropriate.


The supplier has the right to limit or shut down the customer's ability to use resources if the resources are used in an inappropriate or excessive manner.

Liability, compensation and damages

The supplier cannot be held responsible for any damages, costs or compensation for anything related to the service or the customer's business.


The supplier reserves the right to use the customer's company name, logo and website as a reference on the supplier's website and in communication with other customers, if the customer does not wish to be included as a reference, this must be communicated in writing via e-mail to the supplier.

Update of general conditions

These terms and conditions are continuously updated, and it is your responsibility as a customer to keep up to date with the supplier's terms and conditions when using our services, and that you as a customer follow these terms and conditions.

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