Dedicated Server vs VPS

What exactly is the difference dedicated server and VPS, and when should one choose the respective type of server?

Dedicated server

When you rent a dedicated server, you rent the entire server with its hardware and components. This means that you get access to all the capacity that the server has and only you have access to the capacity, it is not shared with any other customer.


A VPS is only part of a larger server, where other parts are rented out to other customers. Because you share the server's capacity with other customers, it also means that the cost is lower.

Dedicated Server Benefits:

  • More performance
  • All performance available 24/7 just for you
  • Faster storage
  • Possibility to run own virtualization

Dedicated Server - Disadvantages:

  • Takes longer for providers to set up
  • Service window is required to change CPU or RAM

VPS benefits:

  • Cheap, because you share a server with other customers
  • Quick to install and get started
  • Easy to scale up and down resources

VPS Disadvantages:

  • Performance may vary at high load with other customers
  • Virtualization generally does not work at all or poorly in VPS
  • The write and read speed of the storage space is shared with other clients and is therefore noticeably slower

To sum it all up, you can say that dedicated server is suitable if the budget for it exists, or if virtualization is to be run or if performance is a priority. While VPS is suitable for smaller projects with a smaller budget, or if performance is not as prioritized.

As always, you can check out ours VPS option and Dedicated Servers to see if our solutions are something that suits you.

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