Verify that the server cache is working

If you want to verify that your website is loading via cache, you can do the following. Note that the server must be configured to send the status in the header response to the visitor's browser.

This is an advanced guide.

Time needed: 5 minutes

This is how you verify if the page is loaded via cache, using the header in the response from the server.

  1. Open Developer tools in your browser and go to the network tab

    Right-click in the browser window and select Review elements (Inspect in Chrome and Firefox)
    Navigate to the Network tab

  2. Reload the website

    Select any file in the left list and check the Headers tab
    When you scroll down you will find a parameter called something like x cache status and if the value is HERE then your page fetch was delivered from the cache.Servercache HIT Nginx FastCGI

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